

footstalk [foo t-stawk] ExamplesWord Origin noun Botany, Zoology.

  1. a pedicel; peduncle.

Origin of footstalk First recorded in 1555–65; foot + stalk1 Examples from the Web for footstalk Historical Examples of footstalk

  • It is very full towards the footstalk, which is small; it keeps till June.

    British Pomology

    Robert Hogg

  • When an areolet is connected with another by a stem like a footstalk.

    An Introduction to Entomology: Vol. IV (of 4)

    William Kirby

  • When it has no footstalk, but is closely united to the trunk.

    An Introduction to Entomology: Vol. IV (of 4)

    William Kirby

  • The mother insect began by kneading woody fibre into a paste, and making the footstalk of the future nest.

    Insect Architecture

    James Rennie

  • One end of this footstalk is attached very strongly to the branch, and to the other end is fastened the first cell.

    Insect Architecture

    James Rennie

  • British Dictionary definitions for footstalk footstalk noun

    1. a small supporting stalk in animals and plants; a pedicel, peduncle, or pedicle
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