footstalk [foo t-stawk] ExamplesWord Origin noun Botany, Zoology.
- a pedicel; peduncle.
Origin of footstalk First recorded in 1555–65; foot + stalk1 Examples from the Web for footstalk Historical Examples of footstalk
It is very full towards the footstalk, which is small; it keeps till June.
Robert Hogg
When an areolet is connected with another by a stem like a footstalk.
An Introduction to Entomology: Vol. IV (of 4)
William Kirby
When it has no footstalk, but is closely united to the trunk.
An Introduction to Entomology: Vol. IV (of 4)
William Kirby
The mother insect began by kneading woody fibre into a paste, and making the footstalk of the future nest.
James Rennie
One end of this footstalk is attached very strongly to the branch, and to the other end is fastened the first cell.
James Rennie
British Dictionary definitions for footstalk footstalk noun
- a small supporting stalk in animals and plants; a pedicel, peduncle, or pedicle