

forbear 1[fawr-bair] SynonymsWord Origin verb (used with object), for·bore, for·borne, for·bear·ing.

  1. to refrain or abstain from; desist from.
  2. to keep back; withhold.
  3. Obsolete. to endure.

verb (used without object), for·bore, for·borne, for·bear·ing.

  1. to refrain; hold back.
  2. to be patient or self-controlled when subject to annoyance or provocation.

Origin of forbear 1 before 900; Middle English forberen, Old English forberan. See for-, bear1 Related formsfor·bear·er, nounfor·bear·ing·ly, adverbnon·for·bear·ing, adjectivenon·for·bear·ing·ly, adverbun·for·bear·ing, adjectiveSynonyms for forbear 1. forgo, sacrifice, renounce. British Dictionary definitions for forbearer forbear 1 verb -bears, -bearing, -bore or -borne

  1. (when intr, often foll by from or an infinitive) to cease or refrain (from doing something)
  2. archaic to tolerate or endure (misbehaviour, mistakes, etc)

Derived Formsforbearer, nounforbearingly, adverbWord Origin for forbear Old English forberan; related to Gothic frabairan to endure forbear 2 noun

  1. a variant spelling of forebear

Word Origin and History for forbearer forbear v.

“to abstain,” Old English forberan “bear up against, control one’s feelings, endure,” from for- + beran “to bear” (see bear (v.)). Related: Forbearer; forbearing; forbore.

forbear n.

“ancestor,” late 15c., from fore “before” + be-er “one who exists;” agent noun from be.

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