

forefoot [fawr-foo t, fohr-] ExamplesWord Origin noun, plural fore·feet.

  1. Zoology. one of the front feet of a quadruped, an insect, etc.
  2. Nautical.
    1. the point at which the stem of a hull joins the keel; the forward end of a keel.
    2. a curved member at this point in a wooden hull.

Origin of forefoot First recorded in 1325–75, forefoot is from the Middle English word forfot, forefote. See fore-, foot Examples from the Web for forefoot Historical Examples of forefoot

  • There was no mistaking it—that round shoe on the off forefoot.

    Among the Pines

    James R. Gilmore

  • His mount raised its head and beat a forefoot against the ground.


    Everett B. Cole

  • Short seas slapped and gurgled at the forefoot with a pleasant sound.

    The Black Buccaneer

    Stephen W. Meader

  • Yes, her forefoot is sprung just where it joins the keel; she came down just on the joint.

    A Chapter of Adventures

    G. A. Henty

  • We take up a forefoot and strike his shoe two or three times with a stone.

    Beautiful Joe

    Marshall Saunders

  • British Dictionary definitions for forefoot forefoot noun plural -feet

    1. either of the front feet of a quadruped
    2. nautical the forward end of the keel
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