forensic medicine

forensic medicine

forensic medicine Word Origin noun

  1. the application of medical knowledge to questions of civil and criminal law, especially in court proceedings.

Origin of forensic medicine First recorded in 1835–45 Also called forensic jurisprudence, legal medicine, medical jurisprudence. British Dictionary definitions for forensic medicine forensic medicine noun

  1. the applied use of medical knowledge or practice, esp pathology, to the purposes of the law, as in determining the cause of deathAlso called: medical jurisprudence, legal medicine

forensic medicine in Medicine forensic medicine n.

  1. The branch of medicine that interprets or establishes the medical facts in civil or criminal law medicine medical jurisprudence

forensic medicine in Science forensic medicine [fə-rĕn′sĭk]

  1. The branch of medicine that interprets or establishes the medical facts in civil or criminal law cases.
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