

formidable [fawr-mi-duh-buhl] SynonymsExamplesWord Origin adjective

  1. causing fear, apprehension, or dread: a formidable opponent.
  2. of discouraging or awesome strength, size, difficulty, etc.; intimidating: a formidable problem.
  3. arousing feelings of awe or admiration because of grandeur, strength, etc.
  4. of great strength; forceful; powerful: formidable opposition to the proposal.

Origin of formidable 1400–50; late Middle English French Latin formīdābilis causing fear, equivalent to formīd- (stem of formīdāre to fear) + -ābilis -able Related formsfor·mi·da·ble·ness, for·mi·da·bil·i·ty, nounfor·mi·da·bly, adverbnon·for·mi·da·bil·i·ty, nounnon·for·mi·da·ble, adjectivenon·for·mi·da·ble·ness, nounnon·for·mi·da·bly, adverbqua·si-for·mi·da·ble, adjectivequa·si-for·mi·da·bly, adverbsu·per·for·mi·da·ble, adjectivesu·per·for·mi·da·ble·ness, nounsu·per·for·mi·da·bly, adverbun·for·mi·da·ble, adjectiveun·for·mi·da·ble·ness, nounun·for·mi·da·bly, adverbCan be confusedformative formidableSynonyms for formidable 1. dreadful, appalling, threatening, menacing, fearful, frightful, horrible.Antonyms for formidable 1. pleasant. Examples from the Web for formidability Historical Examples of formidability

  • The barbed-wire entanglements were deep, in keeping with the formidability of the German trench system.

    The Story of the Great War, Volume VIII (of VIII)


  • British Dictionary definitions for formidability formidable adjective

    1. arousing or likely to inspire fear or dread
    2. extremely difficult to defeat, overcome, manage, etca formidable problem
    3. tending to inspire awe or admiration because of great size, strength, excellence, etc

    Derived Formsformidability or formidableness, nounformidably, adverbWord Origin for formidable C15: from Latin formīdābilis, from formīdāre to dread, from formīdō fear Word Origin and History for formidability formidable adj.

    mid-15c., from Middle French formidable (15c.), from Latin formidabilis “causing fear, terrible,” from formidare “to fear,” from formido “fearfulness, fear, terror, dread.” Related: Formidably.

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