

Fornax [fawr-naks] ExamplesWord Origin noun, genitive For·nac·is [fawr-nas-is, -ney-sis] /fɔrˈnæs ɪs, -ˈneɪ sɪs/.

  1. Astronomy. the Furnace, a small southern constellation south of Cetus and Eridanus.

Origin of Fornax Latin: literally, furnace, kiln, oven Examples from the Web for fornax Historical Examples of fornax

  • We here have the calidarium supported on the pillars of the fornax, the suspensura.

    Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 3, Slice 4


  • The Romans also worshipped a goddess of the earth and of fire under the common name of Fornax, dea fornacalis.

    The Elder Eddas of Saemund Sigfusson; and the Younger Eddas of Snorre Sturleson

    Saemund Sigfusson and Snorre Sturleson

  • Upon the walls were painted two enormous serpents, sacred reptiles which protected the altar of Fornax, the culinary divinity.

    The Wonders of Pompeii

    Marc Monnier

  • Mount tna is derived very truly by Bochart from Aituna, fornax; as being a reservoir of molten matter.

    A New System; or, an Analysis of Antient Mythology. Volume I.

    Jacob Bryant

  • British Dictionary definitions for fornax Fornax noun Latin genitive Fornacis (fɔːˈneɪsɪs, -ˈnæs-)

    1. a faint constellation in the S hemisphere lying between Cetus and Phoenix

    Word Origin for Fornax Latin: oven, kiln Word Origin and History for fornax Fornax n.

    goddess of ovens in ancient Rome, from Latin fornax “furnace, oven, kiln” (see furnace). The dim constellation (representing a chemical furnace) was added by de Lacaille in 1756.

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