
adjective, adverb Slang: Vulgar.

  1. (used as a euphemistic intensifier).

verb (used with object), frigged, frig·ging.

  1. to copulate with.
  2. to take advantage of; victimize.
  3. to masturbate.

verb (used without object), frigged, frig·ging.

  1. to copulate.
  2. to masturbate.

Verb Phrases

  1. frig around/about, to fool around; waste time.

adjective, adverb (prenominal)

  1. slang (intensifier)it’s only a frigging game; frigging hopeless

verb frigs, frigging or frigged taboo, slang

  1. to have sexual intercourse (with)
  2. to masturbate
  3. (intr; foll by around, about, etc) to behave foolishly or aimlessly

by 1936 as an expletive, from present participle of frig.


“to move about restlessly,” mid-15c., perhaps a variant of frisk (q.v.). As a euphemism for “to fuck” it dates from 1680s, earlier as “to masturbate” (1670s). Related: Frigged; frigging.

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