

  1. designed to be loaded, supplied, or tended from the front: a front-loading washer; a front-loading VCR.


  1. the practice of expending maximum effort, collecting a fee, interest, or commissions, etc., as early as possible: the front-loading of commissions on insurance premiums.


  1. Also front-load·ed. front-loading(def 1).

verb (used with object)

  1. to load or fill from the front: to front-load a washing machine; to front-load a video recorder.
  2. to put in from the front; insert: to front-load eight pounds of clothing; to front-load a cassette.
  3. to make fees, costs, commissions, etc., applicable at the beginning of (a contract, designated period, or the like): The striking teachers prefer to front-load their fringe benefits.Compare back-load.
  4. to concentrate maximum effort on (an activity) at the outset: The politician front-loaded his campaigning.
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