

  1. an aggregation of bubbles, as on an agitated liquid or at the mouth of a hard-driven horse; foam; spume.
  2. a foam of saliva or fluid resulting from disease.
  3. something unsubstantial, trivial, or evanescent: The play was a charming bit of froth.

verb (used with object)

  1. to cover with froth: giant waves frothing the sand.
  2. to cause to foam: to froth egg whites with a whisk.
  3. to emit like froth: a demagogue frothing his hate.

verb (used without object)

  1. to give out froth; foam: frothing at the mouth.


  1. a mass of small bubbles of air or a gas in a liquid, produced by fermentation, detergent, etc
  2. a mixture of saliva and air bubbles formed at the lips in certain diseases, such as rabies
  3. trivial ideas, talk, or entertainment


  1. to produce or cause to produce froth
  2. (tr) to give out in the form of froth
  3. (tr) to cover with froth

c.1300, from an unrecorded Old English word, or else from Old Norse froða “froth,” from Proto-Germanic *freuth-. Old English had afreoðan “to froth,” from the same root. The modern derived verb is from late 14c. Related: Frothed; frothing.

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