

  1. Military. a vacation or leave of absence granted to an enlisted person.
  2. a usually temporary layoff from work: Many plant workers have been forced to go on furlough.
  3. a temporary leave of absence authorized for a prisoner from a penitentiary.

verb (used with object)

  1. to grant a furlough to.
  2. to lay (an employee or worker) off from work, usually temporarily.


  1. leave of absence from military duty
  2. US a temporary laying-off of employees, usually because there is insufficient work to occupy them

verb (tr)

  1. to grant a furlough to
  2. US to lay off (staff) temporarily

1620s, vorloffe, from Dutch verlof, literally “permission,” from Middle Dutch ver- “completely, for” + laf, lof “permission,” which is related to the second element in believe and to leave (n.).

The -gh spelling developed by 1770s and represents an “f” that was once pronounced at the end of the word but disappeared fairly soon thereafter in English.


1783, from furlough (n.). Related: Furloughed; furloughing.

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