


  1. one of the archangels, appearing usually as a divine messenger. Dan. 8:16, 9:21; Luke 1:19, 26.
  2. Islam. the angel of revelation and the intermediary between God and Muhammad.
  3. a male given name.


  1. Bible one of the archangels, the messenger of good news (Daniel 8:16–26; Luke 1:11–20, 26–38)


  1. Jacques-Ange (ʒakɑ̃ʒ). 1698–1782, French architect: designed the Petit Trianon at Versailles

masc. proper name, also name of an Old Testament angel, from Hebrew Gabhri el, literally “man of God,” from gebher “man” + El “God.” First element is from base of verb gabhar “was strong” (cf. Arabic jabr “strong, young man;” jabbar “tyrant”).

An angel in Jewish, Christian, and Muslim systems of belief. He is usually represented in the Bible (see also Bible) as a messenger from God, bearing God’s word to the Israelites and appearing to Mary, the mother of Jesus, at the Annunciation. Gabriel also revealed the sacred laws of the Koran to Muhammad.

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