
noun, plural gas·tro·du·o·de·nos·to·mies. Surgery.

  1. See under gastroenterostomy.

noun, plural gas·tro·en·ter·os·to·mies. Surgery.

  1. the making of a new passage between the stomach and the duodenum (gastroduodenostomy) or, especially, the jejunum (gastrojejunostomy).


  1. a surgical operation in which the duodenum is joined to a new opening in the stomach, esp to bypass an obstruction

noun plural -mies

  1. surgical formation of an artificial opening between the stomach and the small intestine


  1. The surgical formation of a communication between the stomach and the duodenum.


  1. The surgical formation of a new opening between the stomach and the intestine, either anterior or posterior to the mesocolon.
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