
noun Genetics.

  1. a full set of chromosomes; all the inheritable traits of an organism.


  1. the full complement of genetic material within an organism
  2. all the genes comprising a haploid set of chromosomes

“sum total of genes in a set,” 1930, modeled on German genom, coined 1920 by German botanist Hans Winkler, from gen “gene” + (chromos)om “chromosome.”


  1. A complete haploid set of chromosomes with its associated genes.

  1. The total amount of genetic information in the chromosomes of an organism, including its genes and DNA sequences. The genome of eukaryotes is made up of a single, haploid set of chromosomes that is contained in the nucleus of every cell and exists in two copies in all cells except reproductive and red blood cells. The human genome is made up of about 20,000 to 25,000 genes. Compare proteome.

The sum of all information contained in the DNA for any living thing. The sequence of all the nucleotides in all the chromosomes of an organism.

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