verb (used with or without object), gipped, gip·ping, noun
- gyp1.
verb (used with or without object), gypped, gyp·ping.
- Informal: Sometimes Offensive. to defraud or rob by some sharp practice; swindle; cheat.
- Informal: Sometimes Offensive. a swindle or fraud.
- Also gyp·per [jip-er] /ˈdʒɪp ər/, gypster. Informal: Sometimes Offensive. a swindler or cheat.
- Also called gypsy. an owner of racehorses who also acts as trainer and jockey.
verb gips, gipping or gipped
- a variant spelling of gyp 1
- Northern English informal to vomit or feel like vomiting
- a variant spelling of gyp 2
verb gyps, gypping, gypped, gips, gipping or gipped
- (tr) to swindle, cheat, or defraud
- an act of cheating
- a person who gyps
- British and NZ slang severe pain; torturehis arthritis gave him gyp
- a college servant at the universities of Cambridge and DurhamCompare scout 1 (def. 5)
“to cheat, swindle,” 1889, American English, probably derived from the colloquial shortening of Gypsy (cf. gip). Related: Gypped. As a noun, “fraudulent action, a cheat,” by 1914.
attested from 1840 as an abbreviation of gypsy (q.v.). Also see gyp. Related: Gipped; gipping.
- gastric inhibitory polypeptide