

goddamn or god·dam [god-dam]Informal: Sometimes Offensive. ExamplesWord Origin interjection

  1. (used as an exclamation of any strong feeling, especially of disgust or irritation, and often followed by it.)


  1. the utterance of “goddamn” in swearing or for emphasis.
  2. something of negligible value; damn: not to give a good goddamn.


  1. damned(def 2).


  1. damned.

verb (used with object)

  1. to curse (someone or something) as being contemptible or worthless; damn.

verb (used without object)

  1. to use the word “goddamn”; swear.

Origin of goddamn 1400–50; late Middle English. See God, damn Examples from the Web for god-damn Historical Examples of god-damn

  • I couldn’t see a God-damn thing; it was so black and I was so nerved up.

    One Man’s Initiation–1917

    John Dos Passos

  • You lazy, guzzling, good-for-nothing son of a God-damn loafer!

    Mrs. Bindle

    Hebert Jenkins

  • Some people think the Secretary is god-almighty, but he’s just a god-damn civilian.

    Integration of the Armed Forces, 1940-1965

    Morris J. MacGregor, Jr.

  • British Dictionary definitions for god-damn goddamn interjection Also: God damn

    1. an oath expressing anger, surprise, etc

    adverb Also: goddam, goddam, goddamned

    1. (intensifier)a goddamn fool

    Word Origin and History for god-damn goddamn

    late 14c., from god + damn.

    Mais, fussent-ils [les anglais] cent mille Goddem de plus qu’a present, ils n’auront pas ce royaume. [Joan of Arc, 1431, quoted in Prosper de Barante’s “Histoire des ducs de Bourgogne”]

    Goddammes was the nickname given by Puritans to Cavaliers, in consequence of the latter’s supposed frequent employment of that oath.

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