golden gram

golden gram

golden gram noun

  1. See under gram2(def 2).

gram 2[gram] noun

  1. (in the East Indies) the chickpea used as a food for people and cattle.
  2. any of several other beans, as the mung bean, Vigna radiata (green gram or golden gram), or the urd, V. mungo (black gram).

Origin of gram 2 1695–1705; Portuguese grão Latin grānum grain British Dictionary definitions for golden gram gram 1 noun

  1. a metric unit of mass equal to one thousandth of a kilogram. It is equivalent to 15.432 grains or 0.002 205 poundsSymbol: g

Word Origin for gram C18: from French gramme, from Late Latin gramma, from Greek: small weight, from graphein to write gram 2 noun

  1. any of several leguminous plants, such as the beans Phaseolus mungo (black gram or urd) and P. aureus (green gram), whose seeds are used as food in India
  2. the seed of any of these plants

Word Origin for gram C18: from Portuguese gram (modern spelling grão), from Latin grānum grain gram 3 noun

  1. (in India) a village

Word Origin for gram Hindi Word Origin and History for golden gram gram n.

metric unit of weight,” 1797, from French gramme (18c.), from Late Latin gramma “small weight,” from Greek gramma “small weight,” originally “letter of the alphabet,” from stem of graphein “to draw, write” (see -graphy). Adopted into English about two years before it was established in France as a unit in the metric system by law of 19 frimaire, year VIII (1799).

golden gram in Medicine gram [grăm] n.

  1. A metric unit of mass equal to 15.432 grains, one thousandth (10-3) of a kilogram, or 0.035 ounce.

Gram [grăm, gräm]Hans Christian Joachim 1853-1938

  1. Danish physician who developed (1884) Gram’s stain as a method of distinguishing types of bacteria.

golden gram in Science gram [grăm]

  1. A unit of mass in the metric system, equal to 0.001 kilogram or 0.035 ounce. See Table at measurement.

Gram [gräm, grăm]Hans Christian Joachim 1853-1938

  1. Danish bacteriologist who in 1884 developed a method of staining bacteria, called Gram’s stain or Gram’s dye, that is used to identify and classify bacteria, often from samples of infected body fluids. The classification, called gram-negative or gram-positive, can be useful in the initial selection of antibiotics to treat the infection.

golden gram in Culture gram

The basic unit of measurement for mass in the metric system; one cubic centimeter of water has a mass of approximately one gram.

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