

Goldman [gohld-muh n] Examples noun

  1. Edwin Fran·ko [frang-koh] /ˈfræŋ koʊ/, 1878–1956, U.S. composer and bandmaster.
  2. Emma,1869–1940, U.S. anarchist leader, born in Russia.

Examples from the Web for goldman Contemporary Examples of goldman

  • Toomey lives here with her husband, Mark, a managing director at Goldman Sachs, and their two daughters.

    How Taryn Toomey’s ‘The Class’ Became New York’s Latest Fitness Craze

    Lizzie Crocker

    January 9, 2015

  • The bailout crybabies of Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan Chase, Wells Fargo, and all the rest are easy targets—and deserving ones, too.

    How Naive is Elizabeth Warren?

    Nick Gillespie

    December 18, 2014

  • So we have a graduate of Choate or Beverly Hills High who attends Wharton, and goes to work for, say, Goldman Sachs.

    Trustafarians Want to Tell You How to Live

    Joel Kotkin

    October 31, 2014

  • One can even hear both the regulators and Goldman executives acknowledge that the deal should have required Fed approval.

    The Best Regulator? That’s Easy. It’s the Market.

    Veronique de Rugy

    October 16, 2014

  • As the Goldman Sachs tapes show, regulators almost always fail.

    The Best Regulator? That’s Easy. It’s the Market.

    Veronique de Rugy

    October 16, 2014

  • Historical Examples of goldman

  • His real name is alleged to be Goldman, when in fact it is Landau.

    The Jew and American Ideals

    John Spargo

  • An’ the dance so sweet Mr. Goldman he wouldn’ stop to listen.

    Jamaican Song and Story

    Walter Jekyll

  • An’ after John Crow introduce himself to the gal that his name is Mr. Goldman.

    Jamaican Song and Story

    Walter Jekyll

  • “Might you wouldn’t have to pay him nothing, maybe,” Goldman suggested.

    Potash & Perlmutter

    Montague Glass

  • “Might if you would take it the loft he would call off the strike,” said Goldman.

    Potash & Perlmutter

    Montague Glass

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