

gomphosis [gom-foh-sis] Word Origin noun, plural gom·pho·ses [gom-foh-seez] /gɒmˈfoʊ siz/. Anatomy.

  1. an immovable articulation in which one bone or part is received in a cavity in another, as a tooth in its socket.

Origin of gomphosis 1570–80; New Latin Greek gomphō-, verbid stem of gomphoûn to bolt together (derivative of gómphos bolt, nail) + New Latin -sis -sis; see -osis British Dictionary definitions for gomphoses gomphosis noun plural -ses (-siːz)

  1. anatomy a form of immovable articulation in which a peglike part fits into a cavity, as in the setting of a tooth in its socket

Word Origin for gomphosis C16: from New Latin, from Greek gomphoein to bolt together, from gomphos tooth, peg gomphoses in Medicine gomphosis [gŏm-fō′sĭs] n. pl. gom•pho•ses (-sēz)

  1. A type of immovable articulation, as of a tooth inserted into its bony socket.peg-and-socket joint
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