

gonioscope [goh-nee-uh-skohp] Word Origin noun

  1. an optical instrument used for measuring the angle of the anterior chamber of the eye.

Origin of gonioscope gonio- + -scope Related formsgo·ni·os·co·py [goh-nee-os-kuh-pee] /ˌgoʊ niˈɒs kə pi/, noungo·ni·o·scop·ic [goh-nee-uh-skop-ik] /ˌgoʊ ni əˈskɒp ɪk/, adjective British Dictionary definitions for gonioscope gonioscope noun

  1. an instrument used for examining the structures of the eye between the cornea and the lens that are not directly visible

gonioscope in Medicine gonioscope [gō′nē-ə-skōp′] n.

  1. An ophthalmoscope used to examine the angle of the anterior chamber of the eye.
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