good time

good time

good time Examples noun Prison Slang.

  1. time deducted from an inmate’s sentence for good behavior while in prison.

Examples from the Web for good-time Historical Examples of good-time

  • They who come to them now regard them as playthings, good-time centers for twelve or fourteen weeks.

    Fair Harbor

    Joseph Crosby Lincoln

  • She enjoyed the talking, joking, “good-time” men in society, and chatted and danced with them with relish.

    The Honorable Peter Stirling and What People Thought of Him

    Paul Leicester Ford

  • British Dictionary definitions for good-time good-time adjective

    1. (of a person) wildly seeking pleasure

    Word Origin and History for good-time adj.

    1928, from good (adj.) + time. Expression to have a good time “enjoy oneself” attested from 1822; earlier have a good time of it (1771). To make good time “go fast” is from 1838.

    Idioms and Phrases with good-time good time

    see have a good time.

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