Goodrich [goo d-rich] Examples noun
- Samuel Gris·wold [griz-wuh ld, -wohld, -wawld] /ˈgrɪz wəld, -woʊld, -wɔld/, Peter Parley, 1793–1860, U.S. author and publisher.
Examples from the Web for goodrich Contemporary Examples of goodrich
Airbuses have pitot tubes made by two companies—by the U.S. company Goodrich, and by the European company Thales.
The 800 Dangerous Airbus Planes in the Sky
Clive Irving
March 14, 2010
Historical Examples of goodrich
He urged Goodrich to hurry to the bank and get the bail-money.
Frederick R. Bechdolt
Mrs. Goodrich and Mrs. Sargent were made honorary presidents.
The History of Woman Suffrage, Volume IV
At the end of two hours, I won them by the spectacle of the arriving Goodrich.
David Graham Phillips
I don’t recall a single name that isn’t obviously a Goodrich suggestion.
David Graham Phillips
“Then I must be especially courteous to Goodrich,” he said, after thinking intently.
David Graham Phillips