

  1. the act or process of granulating.
  2. a granulated condition.
  3. any of the grains of a granulated surface.
  4. Pathology.
    1. the formation of granulation tissue, especially in healing.
    2. granulation tissue.
  5. Astronomy. one of the small, short-lived features of the sun’s surface that in the aggregate give it a mottled appearance when viewed with a telescope.


  1. the act or process of granulating
  2. a granulated texture or surface
  3. a single bump or grain in such a surface
  4. See granulation tissue
  5. Also: granule astronomy any of numerous bright regions (approximate diameter 900 km) having a fine granular structure that can appear briefly on any part of the sun’s surface

1610s, from Late Latin granulum (see granular) + -ation.


  1. The process of forming grains or granules.
  2. The state or appearance of having grains or granules.
  3. Small, fleshy, beadlike protuberances, consisting of outgrowths of new capillaries, on the surface of a wound that is healing.granulation tissue
  4. The formation of these protuberances.
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