

< /hɑˈgɔ doʊs/, English Hag·ga·das.

  1. a book containing the liturgy for the Seder service on the Jewish festival of Passover.
  2. Aggadah.


  1. the nonlegal or narrative material, as parables, maxims, or anecdotes, in the Talmud and other rabbinical literature, serving either to illustrate the meaning or purpose of the law, custom, or Biblical passage being discussed or to introduce a different, unrelated topic.

noun plural -dahs, -das or -doth (Hebrew -ˈdoːt) Judaism

    1. a book containing the order of service of the traditional Passover meal
    2. the narrative of the Exodus from Egypt that constitutes the main part of that serviceSee also Seder
  1. another word for Aggadah

noun plural Aggadoth (-ˈdɔːt, -ˈdəʊt) Judaism

    1. a homiletic passage of the Talmud
    2. collectively, the homiletic part of traditional Jewish literature, as contrasted with Halacha, consisting of elaborations on the biblical narratives or tales from the lives of the ancient Rabbis
  1. any traditional homiletic interpretation of scripture

1856, from Rabbinical Hebrew haggadhah, literally “tale,” verbal noun from higgidh “to make clear, narrate, expound.”

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