
adjective, har·di·er, har·di·est.

  1. capable of enduring fatigue, hardship, exposure, etc.; sturdy; strong: hardy explorers of northern Canada.
  2. (of plants) able to withstand the cold of winter in the open air.
  3. requiring great physical courage, vigor, or endurance: the hardiest sports.
  4. bold or daring; courageous: hardy soldiers.
  5. unduly bold; presumptuous; foolhardy.

adjective -dier or -diest

  1. having or demanding a tough constitution; robust
  2. bold; courageous
  3. foolhardy; rash
  4. (of plants) able to live out of doors throughout the winter

noun plural -dies

  1. any blacksmith’s tool made with a square shank so that it can be lodged in a square hole in an anvil


  1. Oliver. See Laurel and Hardy
  2. Thomas. 1840–1928, British novelist and poet. Most of his novels are set in his native Dorset (part of his fictional Wessex) and include Far from the Madding Crowd (1874), The Return of the Native (1878), The Mayor of Casterbridge (1886), Tess of the d’Urbervilles (1891), and Jude the Obscure (1895), after which his work consisted chiefly of verse
  3. Sir Thomas Masterman. 1769–1839, British naval officer, flag captain under Nelson (1799–1805): 1st Sea Lord (1830)

c.1200, “bold, daring, fearless,” from Old French hardi, from past participle of hardir “to harden, be or make bold,” from Frankish *hardjan, from Proto-Germanic *hardjan “to make hard” (cf. Old Frisian herda, Old High German herten, Old Norse herða, Gothic gahardjan “make hard;” see hard). Sense influenced by English hard. Related: Hardily; hardiness. Hardhede “physical hardiness” is attested from early 15c.

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