

  1. Thomas,1860–1929, U.S. architect.
  2. Warren,1732–1818, British statesman: first governor general of India 1773–85.
  3. a seaport in E Sussex, in SE England: William the Conqueror defeated the Saxons near here on Senlac Hill 1066.
  4. a city in S Nebraska.
  5. a town in SE Minnesota.


  1. a port in SE England, in East Sussex on the English Channel: near the site of the Battle of Hastings (1066), in which William the Conqueror defeated King Harold; chief of the Cinque Ports. Pop: 85 828 (2001)
  2. a town in New Zealand, on E North Island: centre of a rich agricultural and fruit-growing region. Pop: 71 100 (2004 est)


  1. Gavin. born 1962, Scottish Rugby Union footballer; played for Scotland (1986–95), scoring 667 points in 61 games
  2. Warren. 1732–1818, British administrator in India; governor general of Bengal (1773–85). He implemented important reforms but was impeached by parliament (1788) on charges of corruption; acquitted in 1795

Old English Hæstingas “The Hastings; settlement of the family or followers of a man called *Hæsta;” literally “Hæsta’s People.”

The Hæstingas were an important tribal group referred to in an 8th cent. Northumbrian chronicle as the gens Hestingorum which seems to have kept a separate identity as late as the early 11th cent. [“Cambridge Dictionary of English Place-Names”]

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