

headed [hed-id] ExamplesWord Origin adjective

  1. having a heading or course.
  2. shaped or grown into a head.
  3. having the mentality, personality, emotional control, or quality specified, or possessing a specified number of heads (usually used in combination): a slow-headed student; a two-headed monster.

Origin of headed Middle English word dating back to 1325–75; see origin at head, -ed3 Related formsun·head·ed, adjectivewell-head·ed, adjective Examples from the Web for well-headed Historical Examples of well-headed

  • I prefer two-year-old, well-headed trees, set thirty by thirty.

    The Apple


  • British Dictionary definitions for well-headed headed adjective

      1. having a head or heads
      2. (in combination)two-headed; bullet-headed
    1. having a headingheaded notepaper
    2. (in combination) having a mind or intellect as specifiedthickheaded
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