

  1. Wer·ner Karl [ver-nuhr kahrl] /ˈvɛr nər kɑrl/, 1901–76, German physicist: Nobel Prize 1932.


  1. Werner Karl (ˈvɛrnər karl). 1901–76, German physicist. He contributed to quantum mechanics and formulated the uncertainty principle (1927): Nobel prize for physics 1932

in reference to German physicist Werner Heisenberg (1901-1976), pioneer of quantum mechanics. His “uncertainty principle” (deduced in 1927) is that an electron may have a determinate position, or a determinate velocity, but not both.

See more at uncertainty principle.

  1. German physicist who founded the field of quantum mechanics in 1925 and elaborated the uncertainty principle in 1927. He was awarded the Nobel Prize for physics in 1932.
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