

  1. a profuse discharge of blood, as from a ruptured blood vessel; bleeding.
  2. the loss of assets, especially in large amounts.
  3. any widespread or uncontrolled loss or diffusion.

verb (used without object), hem·or·rhaged, hem·or·rhag·ing.

  1. to bleed profusely.
  2. to lose assets, especially in large amounts.

verb (used with object), hem·or·rhaged, hem·or·rhag·ing.

  1. to lose (assets): a company that was hemorrhaging money.

by 1882, from hemorrhage (n.). Related: Hemorrhaged; hemorrhaging.

Slang in Reports: B.I.D. for “Brought in Dead” and “Dotty” are, [Mr. Sidney Holland of London Hospital] considers, permissible expressions, but he draws the line at “fitting” and “hæmorrhaging.” Only such terms, he says, should be used as outside doctors will understand. We would say that on a point of such odiously bad taste he might have been much more severe. [Lavinia L. Dock, “The American Journal of Nursing,” 1906]


c.1400, emorosogie (modern form by 17c.), from Latin haemorrhagia, from Greek haimorrhagia, from haimorrhages “bleeding violently,” from haima “blood” (see -emia) + rhage “a breaking,” from rhegnynai “to break, burst.” Related: Hemorrhagic.


  1. An escape of blood from the blood vessels, especially when excessive.hemorrhea

  1. Excessive or uncontrollable bleeding, often caused by trauma, surgical or obstetrical complications, or the advanced stages of certain illnesses, such as cirrhosis and peptic ulcer disease.
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