

  1. Usually hemorrhoids. Pathology. an abnormally enlarged vein mainly due to a persistent increase in venous pressure, occurring inside the anal sphincter of the rectum and beneath the mucous membrane (internal hemorrhoid) or outside the anal sphincter and beneath the surface of the anal skin (external hemorrhoid).

plural of hemorrhoid; late 14c., emeroudis, from Old French emorroides (13c.), from Latin hæmorrhoidae, from Greek haimorrhoides (phlebes) “(veins) liable to discharge blood,” plural of haimorrhois, from haima “blood” (see -emia) + rhoos “a stream, a flowing,” from rhein “to flow” (see rheum). Related: Hemmorhoidal.


  1. An itching or painful mass of dilated veins in swollen anal tissue.
  2. hemorrhoids The pathological condition in which such painful masses occur.piles
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