

  1. Spanish.
  2. of or relating to Spanish-speaking Latin America: the United States and its Hispanic neighbors.
  3. Also His·pan·o [hi-span-oh, –spah-noh] /hɪˈspæn oʊ, -ˈspɑ noʊ/. of or relating to people of Spanish-speaking descent: Hispanic students;the Hispanic vote;Hispanic communities. Compare Latino(def 1).


  1. Also called His·pan·o-A·mer·i·can [hi-span-oh-uhmer-i-kuh n, –spah-noh] /hɪˈspæn oʊ əˈmɛr ɪ kən, -ˈspɑ noʊ/, His·pan·ic A·mer·i·can. a citizen or resident of the United States who is of Spanish or Spanish-speaking Latin-American descent. Compare Latino(def 2).
  2. a person whose primary or native language is Spanish.


  1. relating to, characteristic of, or derived from Spain or Spanish-speaking countries


  1. US a person of Latin-American or Spanish descent living in the US

“pertaining to Spain” (especially ancient Spain) 1580s, from Latin Hispanicus, from Hispania “Iberian Peninsula,” from Hispanus “Spaniard” (see Spaniard). Specific application to Spanish-speaking parts of the New World is 1889, American English; especially applied since c.1972 to Spanish-speaking persons of Latin American descent living in U.S.

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