
[ad_1] noun (used with a singular or plural verb)
  1. dramatic representation; theatricals; acting.
  2. behavior or speech for effect, as insincere or exaggerated expression of an emotion; dramatics; operatics: Cut out the histrionics—we know you’re not really mad.

adjective Also his·tri·on·i·cal.

  1. of or relating to actors or acting.
  2. deliberately affected or self-consciously emotional; overly dramatic, in behavior or speech.


  1. an actor.


  1. excessively dramatic, insincere, or artificialhistrionic gestures
  2. rare dramatic


  1. (plural) melodramatic displays of temperament
  2. rare (plural, functioning as singular) dramatics

“theatrics, pretense,” 1864, from histrionic; also see -ics.


“theatrical” (figuratively, “hypocritical”), 1640s, from Latin histrionicus “pertaining to an actor,” from histrio (genitive histrionis) “actor,” said to be of Etruscan origin. The literal sense in English is from 1759.

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