

Homoousian [hoh-moh-oo-see-uh n, -ou-, hom-oh-] Word Origin noun

  1. a member of a 4th-century a.d. church party that maintained that the essence or substance of the Father and the Son is the same (opposed to Heteroousian).


  1. of or relating to the Homoousians or their doctrine.

Origin of Homoousian 1555–65; Late Greek homooúsi(os) of the same substance (Greek hom(o)- homo- + ousí(a) substance, essence + -os adj. suffix) + -an Related formsHo·mo·ou·si·an·ism, noun British Dictionary definitions for homoousian Homoousian noun

  1. a Christian who believes that the Son is of the same substance as the FatherCompare Homoiousian


  1. of or relating to the Homoousians

Derived FormsHomoousianism, nounWord Origin for Homoousian C16: from Late Greek homoousios of the same substance, from Greek homo- + ousia nature

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