


  1. a person who attacks cherished beliefs, traditional institutions, etc., as being based on error or superstition.
  2. a breaker or destroyer of images, especially those set up for religious veneration.


  1. a person who attacks established or traditional concepts, principles, laws, etc
    1. a destroyer of religious images or sacred objects
    2. an adherent of the heretical movement within the Greek Orthodox Church from 725 to 842 ad, which aimed at the destruction of icons and religious images

“breaker or destroyer of images,” 1590s, from French iconoclaste and directly from Medieval Latin iconoclastes, from Late Greek eikonoklastes, from eikon (genitive eikonos) “image” + klastes “breaker,” from klas- past tense stem of klan “to break” (see clastic). Originally those in the Eastern Church in 8c. and 9c. whose mobs of followers destroyed icons and other religious objects on the grounds that they were idols. Applied to 16c.-17c. Protestants in Netherlands who vandalized former Catholic churches on similar grounds. Extended sense of “one who attacks orthodox beliefs or institutions” is first attested 1842.

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