

  1. a plural of incus.

noun, plural in·cu·des [in-kyoo-deez] /ɪnˈkyu diz/ for 1; in·cus for 2.

  1. Anatomy. the middle one of a chain of three small bones in the middle ear of humans and other mammals.Compare malleus, stapes.
  2. Also called anvil, anvil cloud, anvil top, thunderhead. the spreading, anvil-shaped, upper portion of a mature cumulonimbus cloud, smooth or slightly fibrous in appearance.


  1. the plural of incus

noun plural incudes (ɪnˈkjuːdiːz)

  1. the central of the three small bones in the middle ear of mammalsNontechnical name: anvil Compare malleus, stapes

ear bone, 1660s, from Latin incus “anvil,” from incudere “to forge with a hammer.” So called by Belgian anatomist Andreas Vesalius (1514-1564).

n. pl. in•cu•des (ĭng-kyōōdēz)

  1. The middle of the three ossicles in the middle ear, located between the malleus and the stapes and composed of a body and two limbs.anvil

Plural incudes (ĭng-kyōōdēz)

  1. The anvil-shaped bone (ossicle) that lies between the malleus and the stapes in the middle ear.
  2. The elongated, often anvil-shaped upper portion of a fully developed cumulonimbus cloud; a thunderhead.
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