

  1. an independently or privately owned business, especially a film or music company that is not affiliated with a larger and more commercial company: to work for an indie.
  2. a movie or other work produced by such a company.
  3. a genre of music, especially pop or rock, that is independently produced.
  4. a person who works for an independently owned business or is self-employed.


  1. noting or relating to an indie: an indie film producer; an indie video game.
  2. noting or relating to independently produced music: indie rock; an indie pop group.


  1. informal
    1. an independent film or record company
    2. (as modifier)an indie producer; the indie charts

“independent record company,” 1945, shortening of independent (among the earliest mentioned were Continental, Majestic, and Signature); used of film production companies since 1920s, of theaters from 1942; extended by 1984 to a type of pop music issued by such labels.

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