

  1. a single human being, as distinguished from a group.
  2. a person: a strange individual.
  3. a distinct, indivisible entity; a single thing, being, instance, or item.
  4. a group considered as a unit.
  5. Biology.
    1. a single organism capable of independent existence.
    2. a member of a compound organism or colony.
  6. Cards. a duplicate-bridge tournament in which each player plays the same number of hands in partnership with every other player, individual scores for each player being kept for each hand.


  1. single; particular; separate: to number individual copies of a limited edition.
  2. intended for the use of one person only: to serve individual portions of a pizza.
  3. of, relating to, or characteristic of a particular person or thing: individual tastes.
  4. distinguished by special, singular, or markedly personal characteristics; exhibiting unique or unusual qualities: a highly individual style of painting.
  5. existing as a distinct, indivisible entity, or considered as such; discrete: individual parts of a tea set.
  6. of which each is different or of a different design from the others: a set of individual coffee cups.


  1. of, relating to, characteristic of, or meant for a single person or thing
  2. separate or distinct, esp from others of its kind; particularplease mark the individual pages
  3. characterized by unusual and striking qualities; distinctive
  4. obsolete indivisible; inseparable


  1. a single person, esp when regarded as distinct from others
  2. biology
    1. a single animal or plant, esp as distinct from a species
    2. a single member of a compound organism or colony
  3. logic
    1. Also called: particularan object as opposed to a property or class
    2. an element of the domain of discourse of a theory

“single object or thing,” c.1600, from individual (adj.). Colloquial sense of “person” is attested from 1742. Latin individuum meant “an atom, indivisible particle;” in Middle English individuum was used in sense of “individual member of a species” from early 15c.


early 15c., “one and indivisible” (with reference to the Trinity), from Medieval Latin individualis, from Latin individuus “indivisible,” from in- “not, opposite of” (see in- (1)) + dividuus “divisible,” from dividere “divide” (see divide). Not common before c.1600 and the 15c. usage might be isolated. Sense of “single, separate” is 1610s; meaning “intended for one person” is from 1889.

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