

  1. the act of indurating.
  2. the state of being indurated.
  3. Geology.
    1. lithification.
    2. hardening of rock by heat or pressure.
  4. Pathology.
    1. a hardening of an area of the body as a reaction to inflammation, hyperemia, or neoplastic infiltration.
    2. an area or part of the body that has undergone such a reaction.

late 14c., from Old French induracion “hardness, obstinacy” (14c.) or directly from Medieval Latin indurationem (nominative induratio) “hardness (especially of the heart),” noun of action from indurare (see endure).


  1. Relating to, causing, or characterized by induration.


  1. The hardening of a normally soft tissue or organ, especially the skin, because of inflammation, infiltration of a neoplasm, or an accumulation of blood.
  2. A focus or region of abnormally hardened tissue.
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