
noun Pathology.

  1. a localized area of tissue, as in the heart or kidney, that is dying or dead, having been deprived of its blood supply because of an obstruction by embolism or thrombosis.


  1. a localized area of dead tissue (necrosis) resulting from obstruction of the blood supply to that part, esp by an embolusAlso called: infarction

1873, from medical Latin infarctus (Latin infartus), past participle of infarcire “to stuff into,” from in- + farcire “to stuff” (see farce).


  1. An area of tissue that undergoes necrosis as a result of obstruction of local blood supply, as by a thrombus or an embolus.

  1. An area of living tissue that undergoes necrosis as a result of obstruction of local blood supply, as by a thrombus. See also heart attack stroke.
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