
verb (used with object), in·fused, in·fus·ing.

  1. to introduce, as if by pouring; cause to penetrate; instill (usually followed by into): The energetic new principal infused new life into the school.
  2. to imbue or inspire (usually followed by with): The new coach infused the team with enthusiasm.
  3. to steep or soak (leaves, bark, roots, etc.) in a liquid so as to extract the soluble properties or ingredients.
  4. Obsolete. to pour in.

verb (used without object), in·fused, in·fus·ing.

  1. to undergo infusion; become infused: Leave the solution to infuse overnight.


  1. any device used to make an infusion, esp a tea maker


  1. (tr often foll by into) to instil or inculcate
  2. (tr foll by with) to inspire; emotionally charge
  3. to soak or be soaked in order to extract flavour or other properties
  4. rare (foll by into) to pour

early 15c., “to pour in, introduce, soak,” from Latin infusus, past participle of infundere “to pour into,” from in- “in” (see in- (2)) + fundere “pour, spread” (see found (v.2)). Figurative sense of “instill, inspire” first recorded 1520s (infusion in this sense dates from mid-15c.). Related: Infused; infusing.


  1. To steep or soak without boiling in order to extract soluble elements or active principles.
  2. To introduce a solution into the body through a vein for therapeutic purposes.
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