

  1. free from moral wrong; without sin; pure: innocent children.
  2. free from legal or specific wrong; guiltless: innocent of the crime.
  3. not involving evil intent or motive: an innocent misrepresentation.
  4. not causing physical or moral injury; harmless: innocent fun.
  5. devoid (usually followed by of): a law innocent of merit.
  6. having or showing the simplicity or naiveté of an unworldly person; guileless; ingenuous.
  7. uninformed or unaware; ignorant.


  1. an innocent person.
  2. a young child.
  3. a guileless person.
  4. a simpleton or idiot.
  5. Usually innocents. (used with a singular verb) bluet(def 1).


  1. not corrupted or tainted with evil or unpleasant emotion; sinless; pure
  2. not guilty of a particular crime; blameless
  3. (postpositive foll by of) free (of); lackinginnocent of all knowledge of history
    1. harmless or innocuousan innocent game
    2. not cancerousan innocent tumour
  4. credulous, naive, or artless
  5. simple-minded; slow-witted


  1. an innocent person, esp a young child or an ingenuous adult
  2. a simple-minded person; simpleton

c.1400, from innocent (adj.) + -ly (2).


mid-14c., “doing no evil, free from sin or guilt,” from Old French inocent “harmless; not guilty; pure” (11c.), from Latin innocentem (nominative innocens) “not guilty, harmless, blameless,” from in- “not” (see in- (1)) + nocentem (nominative nocens), present participle of nocere “to harm” (see noxious). Meaning “free from guilt of a specific crime or charge” is from late 14c. The earliest use was as a noun, “person who is innocent of sin or evil” (c.1200). The Holy Innocents (early 14c.) were the young children slain by Herod sfter the birth of Jesus (Matt. ii:16).


  1. Not apparently harmful; benign.
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