

  1. an indirect or covert suggestion or hint, especially of a derogatory nature: She made nasty insinuations about her rivals.
  2. covert or artful suggestion or hinting, as of something implied: His methods of insinuation are most ingenious.
  3. subtle or artful instillment into the mind.
  4. the art or power of stealing into the affections and pleasing; ingratiation: He made his way by flattery and insinuation.
  5. Archaic. a slow winding, worming, or stealing in.
  6. Obsolete. an ingratiating act or speech.


  1. an indirect or devious hint or suggestion
  2. the act or practice of insinuating

1520s, from Latin insinuationem (nominative insinuatio) “entrance through a narrow way; an ingratiating oneself,” noun of action from past participle stem of insinuare (see insinuate).

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