

isopod [ahy-suh-pod] ExamplesWord Origin noun

  1. any freshwater, marine, or terrestrial crustacean of the order or suborder Isopoda, having seven pairs of legs typically adapted for crawling, and a dorsoventrally flattened body, and including wood lice, several aquatic parasites of crabs and shrimps, and numerous swimming or bottom-dwelling species.


  1. of, relating to, or characteristic of the Isopoda.
  2. having the feet all alike, or similar in character.

Origin of isopod From the New Latin word Isopoda, dating back to 1825–35. See iso-, -pod Related formsi·sop·o·dan [ahy-sop-uh-dn] /aɪˈsɒp ə dn/, adjective, nouni·sop·o·dous, adjective Examples from the Web for isopod Historical Examples of isopod

  • This parasite is an Isopod (Bopyrus), the appendages of which are imperfectly developed.

    The Sea Shore

    William S. Furneaux

  • The male of this isopod, which inhabits the bay of Christiansand, is not yet known.

    Animal Parasites and Messmates

    P. J. Van Beneden

  • This little crustacean is associated in its work on submerged timber with the isopod Limnoria lignorum.

    The Sea-beach at Ebb-tide

    Augusta Foote Arnold

  • He concludes that they were more like what one would expect in an isopod.

    The Appendages, Anatomy, and Relationships of Trilobites

    Percy Edward Raymond

  • In his first article he mistakes a species of the myriapod genus Glomeris for the isopod genus Armadillo.

    Lamarck, the Founder of Evolution

    Alpheus Spring Packard

  • British Dictionary definitions for isopod isopod noun

    1. any crustacean of the order Isopoda, including woodlice and pill bugs, in which the body is flattened dorsoventrally


    1. of, relating to, or belonging to the Isopoda

    Derived Formsisopodan (aɪˈsɒpədən) or isopodous, adjective Word Origin and History for isopod n.

    1835, from French isopode, from Latin isopoda (neuter plural), from Greek iso- (see iso-) + pod-, stem of pous “foot” (see foot (n.)).

    isopod in Science isopod [ī′sə-pŏd′]

    1. Any of numerous mostly small crustaceans of the order Isopoda, characterized by a flattened body usually bearing seven pairs of legs. Isopods include the sow bugs, pill bugs, and gribbles.
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