

isosceles [ahy-sos-uh-leez] ExamplesWord Origin adjective

  1. (of a straight-sided plane figure) having two sides equal: an isosceles triangle; an isosceles trapezoid.

Origin of isosceles 1545–55; Late Latin Greek isoskelḗs with equal legs, equivalent to iso- iso- + skél(os) leg + -ēs adj. suffix Examples from the Web for isosceles Historical Examples of isosceles

  • In an isosceles triangle the angles opposite the equal sides are equal.

    The Teaching of Geometry

    David Eugene Smith

  • And equilaterals, and isosceles triangles, and all that, scoffed Neale.

    The Corner House Girls on a Tour

    Grace Brooks Hill

  • So they crept up to the fire in the formation of an isosceles triangle.

    Denis Dent

    Ernest W. Hornung

  • Then ask them if they are equal-legged (isosceles) triangles.

    Guide to the Kindergarten and Intermediate Class and Moral Culture of Infancy.

    Elizabeth P. Peabody

  • That the angles at the base of an isosceles triangle are equal.

    A History of Science, Volume 1(of 5)

    Henry Smith Williams

  • British Dictionary definitions for isosceles isosceles adjective

    1. (of a triangle) having two sides of equal length
    2. (of a trapezium) having the two nonparallel sides of equal length

    Word Origin for isosceles C16: from Late Latin, from Greek isoskelēs, from iso- + skelos leg Word Origin and History for isosceles adj.

    “having two equal sides,” 1550s, from Late Latin isosceles, from Greek isoskeles “with equal sides,” from isos “equal” (see iso-) + skelos “leg” (see scalene).

    isosceles in Science isosceles [ī-sŏs′ə-lēz′]

    1. Of or relating to a geometric figure having at least two sides of equal length.
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