

itemize [ahy-tuh-mahyz] ExamplesWord Origin verb (used with object), i·tem·ized, i·tem·iz·ing.

  1. to state by items; give the particulars of; list the individual units or parts of: to itemize an account.
  2. to list as an item or separate part: to itemize deductions on an income-tax return.

verb (used without object), i·tem·ized, i·tem·iz·ing.

  1. to compute an income-tax return by listing separately all assets, credits, allowable deductions, losses, etc.

Also especially British, i·tem·ise. Origin of itemize An Americanism dating back to 1855–60; item + -ize Related formsi·tem·i·za·tion, nouni·tem·iz·er, nounmis·i·tem·ized, adjectivenon·i·tem·ized, adjectivenon·i·tem·iz·er, nounre·i·tem·ize, verb (used with object), re·i·tem·ized, re·i·tem·iz·ing.un·i·tem·ized, adjectivewell-i·tem·ized, adjective Examples from the Web for itemise Historical Examples of itemise

  • Lilly said she had often been in an apothecary’s shop, but could not itemise the contents.

    The Song of Songs

    Hermann Sudermann

  • How, one may well ask, are we to itemise the retail iniquities of a system of government which is itself a wholesale iniquity?

    The Open Secret of Ireland

    T. M. Kettle

  • British Dictionary definitions for itemise itemize itemise verb

    1. (tr) to put on a list or make a list of

    Derived Formsitemization or itemisation, noun Word Origin and History for itemise itemize v.

    1864, American English, from item + -ize. Related: Itemized; itemizing. Earlier verb was simply item (c.1600).

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