itemize [ahy-tuh-mahyz] ExamplesWord Origin verb (used with object), i·tem·ized, i·tem·iz·ing.
- to state by items; give the particulars of; list the individual units or parts of: to itemize an account.
- to list as an item or separate part: to itemize deductions on an income-tax return.
verb (used without object), i·tem·ized, i·tem·iz·ing.
- to compute an income-tax return by listing separately all assets, credits, allowable deductions, losses, etc.
Also especially British, i·tem·ise. Origin of itemize An Americanism dating back to 1855–60; item + -ize Related formsi·tem·i·za·tion, nouni·tem·iz·er, nounmis·i·tem·ized, adjectivenon·i·tem·ized, adjectivenon·i·tem·iz·er, nounre·i·tem·ize, verb (used with object), re·i·tem·ized, re·i·tem·iz·ing.un·i·tem·ized, adjectivewell-i·tem·ized, adjective Examples from the Web for itemise Historical Examples of itemise
Lilly said she had often been in an apothecary’s shop, but could not itemise the contents.
Hermann Sudermann
How, one may well ask, are we to itemise the retail iniquities of a system of government which is itself a wholesale iniquity?
T. M. Kettle
British Dictionary definitions for itemise itemize itemise verb
- (tr) to put on a list or make a list of
Derived Formsitemization or itemisation, noun Word Origin and History for itemise itemize v.
1864, American English, from item + -ize. Related: Itemized; itemizing. Earlier verb was simply item (c.1600).