IVF Examples

  1. in vitro fertilization.

Examples from the Web for ivf Contemporary Examples of ivf

  • On Tuesday night, the Thai military raided the IVF clinic where Chanbua was impregnated with Gammy and his twin.

    The Wild, Wild West of Thai Surrogacy

    Emily Shire

    August 7, 2014

  • Three years later Sophia goes back to the clinic, where they repeat the IVF process and transfer a single normal female embryo.

    ‘Designer’ Babies Are Only for the Rich

    Jean Twenge

    July 7, 2014

  • Almost all 35 to 39-year-old women—92 percent—had at least one normal embryo to transfer after a single IVF cycle.

    The Crumbling Post-35 Pregnancy Myth

    Jean Twenge

    June 29, 2014

  • Until just a few years ago, IVF success rates for older women were depressingly low.

    The Crumbling Post-35 Pregnancy Myth

    Jean Twenge

    June 29, 2014

  • Although most women will not need IVF, such studies are useful.

    The Crumbling Post-35 Pregnancy Myth

    Jean Twenge

    June 29, 2014

  • British Dictionary definitions for ivf IVF abbreviation for

    1. in vitro fertilization

    ivf in Culture IVF

    The fertilization of an egg in an artificial environment outside of a living organism.

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