ivory black

ivory black

ivory black ExamplesWord Origin noun

  1. a fine black pigment made by calcining ivory.

Origin of ivory black First recorded in 1625–35 Examples from the Web for ivory black Historical Examples of ivory black

  • From the stones or kernels of peaches, cherries, and other similar fruits, treated as for ivory-black.

    Cooley’s Cyclopdia of Practical Receipts and Collateral Information in the Arts, Manufactures, Professions, and Trades…, Sixth Edition, Volume I

    Arnold Cooley

  • If black sealing-wax is required, lamp-black or ivory-black is stirred in.

    The Chemistry of Hat Manufacturing

    Watson Smith

  • Ivory-black is mixed with the gum to produce a black colour; and cinnabar or vermilion, to render the paste either brown or red.

    Flowers and Flower-Gardens

    David Lester Richardson

  • Ivory-black or bone-black are superior to lampblack, but the latter will do very well for most purposes.

    Woodworking for Beginners

    Charles Gardner Wheeler

  • As the last; but adding with the ivory-black, &c., 14 to 28 lbs.

    Cooley’s Cyclopdia of Practical Receipts and Collateral Information in the Arts, Manufactures, Professions, and Trades…, Sixth Edition, Volume I

    Arnold Cooley

  • British Dictionary definitions for ivory black ivory black noun

    1. a black pigment obtained by grinding charred scraps of ivory in oil
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