


  1. any of several nocturnal wild dogs of the genus Canis, especially C. aureus, of Asia and Africa, that scavenge or hunt in packs.
  2. a person who performs dishonest or base deeds as the follower or accomplice of another.
  3. a person who performs menial or degrading tasks for another.


  1. any of several African or S Asian canine mammals of the genus Canis, closely related to the dog, having long legs and pointed ears and muzzle: predators and carrion-eaters
  2. a person who does menial tasks for another
  3. a villain, esp a swindler

c.1600, from Turkish çakal, from Persian shaghal, from or cognate with Sanskrit srgala-s, literally “the howler.” Figurative sense of “skulking henchman” is from the old belief that jackals stirred up game for lions.

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