

noun, plural jel·lies.

  1. a food preparation of a soft, elastic consistency due to the presence of gelatin, pectin, etc., especially fruit juice boiled down with sugar and used as a sweet spread for bread and toast, as a filling for cakes or doughnuts, etc.
  2. any substance having the consistency of jelly.
  3. Chiefly British. a fruit-flavored gelatin dessert.
  4. a plastic sandal or shoe.

verb (used with or without object), jel·lied, jel·ly·ing.

  1. to bring or come to the consistency of jelly.


  1. containing or made, spread, or topped with jelly or syrup; jellied: jelly apples.

pl n

  1. British slang gelatine capsules of temazepam, dissolved and injected as a recreational drug
  2. Also called: jelly shoes shoes made from brightly coloured transparent plastic

noun plural -lies

  1. a fruit-flavoured clear dessert set with gelatineUS and Canadian trademark: Jell-o
  2. a preserve made from the juice of fruit boiled with sugar and used as jam
  3. a savoury food preparation set with gelatine or with a strong gelatinous stock and having a soft elastic consistencycalf’s-foot jelly
  4. anything having the consistency of jelly
  5. informal a coloured gelatine filter that can be fitted in front of a stage or studio light

verb -lies, -lying or -lied

  1. to jellify


  1. British a slang name for gelignite

late 14c., from Old French gelee “a frost; jelly,” noun use of fem. past participle of geler “congeal,” from Latin gelare “to freeze,” from gelu “frost” (see cold (adj.)).


c.1600, from jelly (n.). Related: Jellied; jellying.


  1. A semisolid resilient substance usually containing some form of gelatin in solution.
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