jerome kern


  1. Jerome (David),1885–1945, U.S. composer.
  2. a river in E California, in the Sierra Nevada, flowing S and SW to San Joaquin Valley. 155 miles (249 km) long.


  1. the part of the character on a piece of printer’s type that projects beyond the body


  1. (tr) to furnish (a typeface) with a kern


  1. a lightly armed foot soldier in medieval Ireland or Scotland
  2. a troop of such soldiers
  3. archaic a loutish peasant


  1. engineering the central area of a wall, column, etc, through which all compressive forces pass


  1. Jerome (David). 1885–1945, US composer of musical comedies, esp Show Boat (1927)

1680s, “part of a metal type projecting beyond the body,” as the head of an -f- or the tail of a -j-, from French carne “projecting angle, quill of a pen,” from Latin cardinem “hinge.”

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